Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Be on the Look Out for Capone’s Italian Market

Coming to the Roswell Area Soon!

John has been diligently working since January on his dream of creating an authentic Italian Deli. He is looking at store space, meeting with vendors and just got back from a trip up north to investigate what the real guys are doing. He is brimming with ideas and is very excited. To give you an idea of what he will create, take a look at this website. A&S Italian Pork Store in West Patterson, NJ is his inspiration.

Get Clean starter kit replaces
$3,400 worth of cleaning products


Shaklee's been advertising that our Get Clean starter kit replaces $3,400 worth of cleaning products from the store. I thought, that may be true of grocery stores, but probably not Wal-Mart. So, last night I took my kids on a field trip to Wal-Mart and found the prices for the bottles that Shaklee says Get Clean replaces. (I found this information on the Product Sheet for the Get Clean Starter Kit - for bottle sizes, etc, please refer to that sheet.) I was shocked at the results.

Fantastik: 60 bottles @ $1.78 = $106.80
Windex: 728 bottles @ $4.44 = $3,232.32
Cascade: 2.5 boxes @ $2.38 = $5.95
Downy: 3 bottles @ $4.28 = $12.84
Woolite: $4.74
Clorox Wipes: $2.33
Soft Scrub: $2.66
Bounce: $3.24
Tide: $6.64 (100oz)
Mr. Clean (couldn't find MopNGlow)= 25.5 bottles @ $2.47 = $63.23
Total Wal-Mart cost = $3,441.75

Obviously, the biggest savings is with Windex. But with that kind of savings, you can afford to pay a bit more for other Shaklee cleaning products - especially since they work!

On a side note: I almost picked up a bottle of the new Clorox -- a hard surface cleaner. It had such a beautiful bottle; it almost seemed to me that it must be safe to use anywhere. I caught myself, and remembered it's bleach! Not safe at all. (I did not pick up the bottle to read the warning label, but I should have!) The point here is packaging makes such a difference. I'm thrilled with Shaklee's beautiful packaging.

Another side note: while trying to find the correct Downy bottle for comparison, I nearly fell over (quite literally) because of the strong, strong scent near the fabric softeners. It was quite overpowering. Fortunately, I was able to get out of the aisle before I got a headache. I'd hate to have to go down that aisle on a regular basis!

Still yet another side note (the last I promise you): I had to make a special trip to Wal-Mart to check out prices. Why? Because I only go there once or twice a year. I don't need to because all my personal care products are delivered right to my door. Convenient? Yes. But with four children with me, it also saves me the aggravation of the whining and begging that Wal-Mart inevitably brings about, and the money I would be tempted to spend (that I know my friends are spending) to buy their kids something just to stop the begging.

I'm thrilled with Shaklee!
Bennie Schmidt

I have lost 7 pounds and 10 inches!

I am amazed but this is what commitment will do for ya! I have been on the Cinch Inch Loss plan for eight weeks and have lost seven and ten! I can’t wait to see what happens over the next eight weeks. That’ll put me at the end of April, Just in time for Georgia swim suit season (Don’t worry, I don’t have the guts to wear a thong). Hopefully by that time I will post my before and after photos to show off.

For me, the Cinch program is easy. Shake for breakfast and lunch with liquid-oomph (energizing tea) and a protein bar whenever plus a sensible dinner. I don’t have to think about it. That’s probably why it works for me – no meetings, no meal planning. Plus, I guess I am not an emotional eater because I don’t feel deprived. (Don’t talk to me about missing my daily glass of wine, though!).

John, on the other hand, discovered that he is an emotional eater (for those who know him, duhhh, right?) John stopped the program because he missed eating food at every meal. He explained that one of his greatest joys is to plan, prepare and eat his meals – all three of them, so he felt very deprived and out of sorts with the plan. But hey, my dad's on it now! Stay tuned for more progress.